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Camping Rates 2024

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When a plot is taken, the daily price stated will be invoiced, even if your car is not there on a particular day, V.A.T. included.


The Price of plot includes: "Car + Caravan "or "Motorhome" or "Car + Tent". Electricity is not included.

The camping day ends at 14h.
If you would like to enjoy our facilities after that time, you can do so by paying the corresponding tariff for the number of people, depending on the season, and always subject to availability and previous request in reception.You can use the plot until 20h.


In medium and high season the occupied plot without use, is charged daily 40€ in Premium plot, 35€ in Standard plot and 30€ in Small plot. On these days no discounts will be applied and electricity is not included.

Availability, Prices, Offers, Reservations


High Season 19/07 to 25/08
Mid Season 27/03 to 31/03 (Ester Week), 15/06 to 18/07, 26/08 to 14/09
Low Season 02/02 to 26/03, 01/04 to 14/06, 15/09 to 08/12


PRICES PER OVERNIGHT STAY 10% V.A.T. includedHigh SeasonMedium SeasonLow Season
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Caravan
  • )
  • |
  • Bed car
  • |
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Small Tent
  • )
Premium Plot25.50€23.20€17.40€
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Caravan
  • )
  • |
  • Bed car
  • |
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Small Tent
  • )
Standard Plot20.30€18.00€13.60€
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Caravan
  • )
  • |
  • Bed car
  • |
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Small Tent
  • )
Small Plot15.40€14.00€11.10€
  • Adult
  • Child
Child 3-10 years6.50€5.80€4.40€
  • Dog
  • Car
Extra Car7.90€7.20€5.40€
  • Small Tent
Extra Tent7.90€7.20€5.40€
  • Motorbike
Extra Moto7.00€6.40€4.80€
  • Electricity
Electricity 6.30€6.30€6.30€
Premium Plot
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Caravan
  • )
  • |
  • Bed car
  • |
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Small Tent
  • )
High Season25.50€
Medium Season23.20€
Low Season17.40€
Standard Plot
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Caravan
  • )
  • |
  • Bed car
  • |
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Small Tent
  • )
High Season20.30€
Medium Season18.00€
Low Season13.60€
Small Plot
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Caravan
  • )
  • |
  • Bed car
  • |
  • (
  • Car
  • +
  • Small Tent
  • )
High Season15.40€
Medium Season14.00€
Low Season11.10€
  • Adult
High Season7.90€
Medium Season7.20€
Low Season5.40€
Child 3-10 years
  • Child
High Season6.50€
Medium Season5.80€
Low Season4.40€
  • Dog
High Season3.90€
Medium Season3.60€
Low Season2.70€
Extra Car
  • Car
High Season7.90€
Medium Season7.20€
Low Season5.40€
Extra Tent
  • Small Tent
High Season7.90€
Medium Season7.20€
Low Season5.40€
Extra Moto
  • Motorbike
High Season7.00€
Medium Season6.40€
Low Season4.80€
  • Electricity
High Season6.30€
Medium Season6.30€
Low Season6.30€


Long staysStay more than 7 daysStay more than 14 daysStay more than 30 days
High Season5%10%15%
Medium Season5%10%15%
Low Season5%10%15%
Long stays
High Season
Stay more than 7 days5%
Stay more than 14 days10%
Stay more than 30 days15%
Medium Season
Stay more than 7 days5%
Stay more than 14 days10%
Stay more than 30 days15%
Low Season
Stay more than 7 days5%
Stay more than 14 days10%
Stay more than 30 days15%

Avenida Miranda, 1
26200 HARO - LA RIOJA Spain

Reception Telephone: +34 941 312 737

Restaurant Telephone: +34 941 30 36 68


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De Haro

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